Who and what does SKJAJA fund?
We are currently accepting applications for candidates in grades K-12 residing in Orange County.
Prior to submitting your request, please click HERE to view the list of activities SKJAJA commonly funds, and the things we do not fund.
SKJAJA does not reimburse for past activities.
How do I apply for a SKJAJA scholarship?
Each student requesting a scholarship must complete an online application.
The SKJAJA Fund Application will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The applicant will need an adult (over 18) to be present for some portions of the application.
How much can I ask for?
Scholarships for individuals range from $100 to $500 depending upon the activity. An average individual SKJAJA scholarship is approximately $235.
Requests up to $5,000 are reserved for groups and organizations.
SKJAJA typically funds activities for up to 4 months.
Who makes application decisions?
Applications are reviewed and voted on by the SKJAJA Applications Committee, which consists of a small, diverse group of community members.
All information on the application is kept confidential.
When are applications due, and when will I be notified of a decision?
Applications are due by the last day of each month.
Our Applications Committee typically reviews applications by the second week of each month.
Students and families are typically notified of a decision via email and phone by the third week of the month.
We suggest you apply for funds at least 4 weeks in advance of the activity for which you’re applying.
How are funds paid?
All funds are paid directly to the organizations.
Students and families are notified when the funds have been issued.​​
Can I reapply for SKJAJA funding?
Yes! You can apply for funding three times a year: in the fall, spring, and summer.
What if I have more questions?
Please email us.
SKJAJA Club Secretary & Chapel Hill High School Graduate, 2019